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Scam of ScientologyInformatie over een heel gevaarlijke en kwaadaardige sekte.De Church of Scientology, ook wel Scientologykerk genaamd, is helemaal verzonnen door tweederangs sciencefictionschrijver L. Ron Hubbard. |
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Pagina 12 Hier vind je video's die allerlei aspecten van de sekte behandelen. Mind Control Cults. De "militaire" kant van de sekte. De krimpende wereld van Hubbard. De sekte en de politie van Clearwater. Mark Bunker wordt lastig gevallen door de sekte. "Inside the Cult" Interview met Tom Cruise Tom Cruise is een icoon voor de sekte, en vertoont alle eigenschappen van een sektelid: arrogant, overtuigd van zijn gelijk en zijn al omvattende kennis. Disclaimer. Op dit videofragment rust een copyright. Dit videofragment is hier uitsluitend geplaatst voor informatieve en educatieve doeleinden onder de voorwaarden van "fair use", met een beroep op artikel 10 van het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens. En hier de transcriptie: Announcer: But if that’s what Mr Cruise has brought to this world there still remains one more word on the man. Call it Tom Cruise on Tom Cruise, Scientologist. Tom Cruise: I think it’s a privilege to call yourself a Scientologist and it’s something that you have to earn and because a Scientologist does. He or she has the ability to create new and better realities and improve conditions. Uh, being a Scientologist you look at someone and you know absolutely that you can help them. So for me it really is KSW and it’s just like, it’s, it’s something that uh, I don’t mince words with that. You know with, with anything that LRH says but that policy to me has really gone ffff boy ahrahmaby. There’s a time I went through and I said, ‘You know what?’ When I read it ah you know I just went phooo this is it; is exactly it. Being a Scientologist . . . When you drive past an accident, it’s not like anyone else. As you drive past you know you have to do something about it because you know you’re the only one that can really help. But that’s . . . that’s what drives me is that I know that we have an opportunity and uh to really help for the first time eff-effectively change people’s lives and ah I am dedicated that. I’m gonna I’m absolutely uncompromisingly dedicated to that. Orgs are there to help. OK but we as you know as also the public it’s like we have a responsibility. It’s not just the orgs. It’s not just Dave Miscavige. You know it’s not just not just me. It’s you. It’s everyone out there kinda sss rereading KSW and looking at what needs to be done and saying OK am I gonna do it or am I not gonna do it? Period. And am I gonna look at that guy or am I too afraid because I have my own out ethics to put in someone else’s ethics? And that’s all it comes down to. ‘Cause I won’t hesitate to put ethics in on someone else, you know, ‘cause I put it ruthlessly in on myself. And I think that aah I respect that in in others. And uh you know I’m there to help and we’re here to help and my opinion is is that look, you’re on board or you’re not on board. OK? But just if you’re on board, you’re on board just like the rest of us. Period. We are the authorities on getting people off drugs. We are the authorities on the mind. We are the authorities on improving conditions. Criminon. We can rehabilitate criminals. Way to Happines; we bring peace. Uuh-an and unite cultures. Uh. That once you know these tools and you know that they work it’s, it’s not good enough that I’m just doing ok. Travelling the world and meeting the people that I’ve that I’ve met, you know, talking with these leaders in di various fields . . . they want help and they are depending on people who know and who can be effective and do it and that’s us. That is our responsibility to do that. It is the time now. Now is the time. OK? It is being a Scientologist people are turning to you so you better know it. You better know it. And if you don’t you know go and learn it. You know. But don’t pretend you know it and or foo or whatever. It’s like we’re here to help. I mean if you’re a Scientologist you see life the you see things the way they are in all its glory you know? All of its complexity uh and the more you know as a Scientologist you don’t become overwhelmed by it. And uh <couldn’t hear it> you know she . . . They said, “So like have you met an SP?” And I looked at them and ah you know and I thought, how what a beautiful thing because maybe one day it’ll be like that. You know what I’m saying. Maybe one day it’ll be that – Wow SPs! Like they’ll just read about those in the history books, you know? Any I just go through that tech and it’s it’s literally, it’s not how to run from an SP. It’s PTS SP how to shatter suppression; how to confront and shatter suppression. You apply it, it’s like, boom. Because they don’t come up to me and do that. Uh they don’t do it to me, not to my face, you know, or anywhere in my vicinity where they feel they can be confronted yeah. They just don’t do it. I wish the world was a different place. I’d like to go on vacation and go and romp and play and just do that. You know what I mean? I mean that’s what I want it to be. OK? That’s how ah I you know and there’s times I’d like to do that but, but I can’t. Because I know. I know. So eeh eeh you know once you know, you just khe I have to do something about it. It’s not . . . you know you can sit here and wish it was different and then you look at it and you say OK this is it, alright OK and there’s that moment when you go, you know, I have to do something don’t I? Yeah, I really have to do it because I can’t live with myself if I don’t and it’s, and that really is it. I don’t care if someone thinks it’s hard or easy, it’s ei, either helping and contributing everything you can or you’re not. OK? Uuh because I’m carrying my load. Alright? And not only that as much as I’m carrying I still feel like I gotta do more. Alright? There’s still a thing of: Let’s go! You can just see the look in their eyes you know the ones that are doing, you know, and you know the spectators who are the ones that are going, “Well, it’s easy for you, or what am I doing” and it’s just . . . that thing is uh, I’ve cancelled that in my area – where my . . . It’s either man you’re either in or you’re out. That’s spectatorism and it’s something that, that is, we have no time for it now. So it’s our responsibility to educate, create the new reality. You know we have that responsibility to say, “Hey! This is the way it should be done. Because we do it this way and people are actually getting better. And, let’s get it done. You know, let’s really get it done and have enough love, compassion and toughness that that you’re gonna do it. Uuh and uh do it right. And I have to tell you something. I really i-i-it is you know it’s rough and tumble. Ah it’s wild and wooly and it’s a blast. It’s a blast. It really is fun. Because, damn it there’s nothing better . . . than to going out there and fighting the fight and suddenly you see pwoo things are better. I want to know that I’ve done everything I could uuh every day. And I think about those people out there who are depending on . . . us. And uh, I think about that. And it does make me feel like man yer gotta get thers you know? We got more work. I need more help. You know get those spectators – you’re in the playing field or outa the arena. You know? That’s how I really that’s how I feel about it. I do what I can. And I do it . . . the way I do everything. There’s nothing part of the way for me. It’s just phoo! Announcer: A Scientologist can be defined by a single question: “Would you want others to achieve the knowledge you now have?” In answering that question, Tom Cruise has introduced LRH technology to over one billion people of Earth and that’s only the first wave he’s unleashed, which is why the story of Tom Cruise, Scientologist, has only just begun. With many thanks to poster Wieber on OCMB. Met dank aan poster Wieber van OCMB. De hele serie van 6 delen waar deze video deel van uitmaakt is als torrent hier te downloaden: http://thepiratebay.org/tor/3979687 RTL-Boulevard besteedde er woensdagavond aandacht aan. Wie de uitzending gemist heeft kan hier nog even het item zien: RTL4 - RTL Boulevard over de video Tom Cruise, durft hij het debat aan? Tom Cruise zegt letterlijk in zijn videoboodschap: "They said, “So like have you met an SP?” And I looked at them and ah you know and I thought, how what a beautiful thing because maybe one day it’ll be like that. You know what I’m saying. Maybe one day it’ll be that – Wow SPs! Like they’ll just read about those in the history books, you know? Any I just go through that tech and it’s it’s literally, it’s not how to run from an SP. It’s PTS SP how to shatter suppression; how to confront and shatter suppression. You apply it, it’s like, boom. Because they don’t come up to me and do that. Uh they don’t do it to me, not to my face, you know, or anywhere in my vicinity where they feel they can be confronted yeah. They just don’t do it." Grote onzin vertelt Cruise hier. Immers: hij wordt omringd door personeel dat mensen bij hem weg moet houden. Hij kiest er zelf voor weinig of geen contact met gewone mensen te hebben. En nu voert hij het op en beschuldigt SP's, wat overigens ook gewone mensen zijn, ervan hem te ontlopen? Wel een hele rare redenatie van Cruise. Maar op zich niet ongewoon voor een sektelid. Inmiddels zijn er heel wat zogenaamde SP's, zoals Tory Christman, Michael Pattinson en Andreas Heldal-Lund die onmiddellijk met Cruise in debat zouden willen. Het hangt nu dus helemaal van Cruise zelf af of dat debat, dat hij pretendeert te wensen, ook zal plaats vinden. De media zitten erop, dus als het gebeurt dan hoort u dat vanzelf! Disclaimer.
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Peter Schilte 2002-2007