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Scam of ScientologyInformatie over een heel gevaarlijke en kwaadaardige sekte.De Church of Scientology, ook wel Scientologykerk genaamd, is helemaal verzonnen door tweederangs sciencefictionschrijver L. Ron Hubbard. |
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Harmon Leon deed zich voor als de rockartiest Dieter Lietershvantz en infiltreerde in het Celebrity Center in Los Angeles. En liet zich daar als een VIP behandelen. I make a huge rock-star entrance into the Celebrity Center. I'm the only person with dreadlocks, wearing black, and chain-smoking. I have to admit this is a beautiful hotel. All the employees are identically dressed, with white shirts and matching ties and slacks (shorter girlie ties and skirts for the women). They're all scurrying about like little busy Scientology worker ants. For the sake of pulling off the charade, I'm hoping nobody can speak German. "Ya! Dieter Lietershvantz... has arrived!" I strike a pose with my guitar. "Yes, Mr. Lietershvantz. We've been expecting you," says the smiley woman behind the front desk. She goes into the office. I decide to make sure everyone feels my presence. "Mr. Lietershvantz is here!" I yell. I'm looking for a place to put my cigarette out. A fat smiley man comes out of his office. I learn that his name is Leonard. "Hello, Mr. Lietershvantz," he says while offering his large, sweaty hand. "Let me show you to your room." Though everyone is smiling, I feel an undercurrent of tension. Sweaty Leonard asks me where I'm from. I tell him Flusserberg, Germany. There's plenty of time for small talk as we take the slowest elevator ride known to humanity. "Are you a Scientologist, Dieter?" "No, I'm a musician." I point to my guitar. "The manager of Nein! Nein! Nein! thought Dieter should stay here." I pat my chest. De rest van dit hilarische verhaal staat hier: http://home.snafu.de/tilman/cos_fun/dieter.html Terug naar de Indexpagina Disclaimer. Alle informatie op deze pagina's is vrij te vinden op het internet. Deze informatie is samengebracht om u een beeld te schetsen van de sekte die zich "Church of Scientology" noemt. © Peter Schilte 2002-2007 |