
  Scientology Sucks!blu




Scam of Scientology

Informatie over een heel gevaarlijke en kwaadaardige sekte.

De Church of Scientology, ook wel Scientologykerk genaamd,
is helemaal verzonnen
 door tweederangs sciencefictionschrijver

L. Ron Hubbard.

Pagina 33

De medische ideeën van Scientology:
medisch misbruik.

In een stuk van Dennis Erlich schrijft hij hoe de sekte
denkt over kwalen en ziektes. Hoe Hubbard zijn "wetenschap"
vervatte en er mee om te gaan.
Dit is oorspronkelijk een bericht dat op ARS werd geplaatst door de poster "Feisty",
en door Tory Christman op OCMB geplaatst, inclusief een reactie van "Maggie".

Tory Christman:

The top was written by an X-Sea Org Member, Dennis Erlich who used to be the top cramming (Correction of the tech) officer at Flag. After is my story, validating what he says.
IF you have a medical condition and are either in Scientology, or considering joining, PLEASE take the time to read this...........all of it.
Thank you.


 Dennis Erlich writes:

Comments on NOT Series 35, An LRH prescription for  the  handling of
physical illnesses (text deleted)

  It  is  clear  from  this bulletin that the Church is promoting
(covertly) that NOTS is  the  ultimate  CURE  for  all  forms  of
physical  illnesses. This is contrary to their public stance that
Scientology is not used for "physical healing".

  Before  a Church member is allowed to see the NOTS material, he
is required to have 12.5 to 25 hours of Security Checking, at his
own  expense.   This  is  called  "OT  Elgibility" auditing.  Per
Church policy, all transgressions that the member reveals  during
the  Security  Check  are  culled from the session worksheets and
filed in the members "Ethics" folder, to be used for blackmail or
intimidation  in  case  the  member tries to leave the Church and
speak out about it. This has been the policy since 1969 when Mary
Sue   Hubbard   first  issued  the  Executive  Directive  on  the

  Hubbard was a known user of psycho-active drugs for most of his
adult life and according to credible witnesses who served next to
Hubbard  aboard  his  numerous  "Flagships",  he  was   extremely
paranoid  from  about  1965  onward  to  the end of his life. The
Church has NEVER disputed the claims  of  Hubbard's  drug  abuse.
They  could  not  kill  the  messages  so  they tried to kill the

  Hubbard spent most of the 70's engaged  in  covert  operations,
ferreting out his imaginary enemies and creating real ones. Those
that remain in the Church to this day, some who post here  on  on
ARS,  continue  to  buy  into  the  story of Church "enemies" and

  The NOTS materials were compiled in 1978 while Hubbard was near
death and the Church was under severe scrutiny following the  FBI
raids.  David Mayo compiled the NOTS theory as it was dictat
him while he was auditing Hubbard. Mayo was later  expelled  from
the  Church  and  the  NOTS  material is still in full use in the
Church, without any alteration. 100% "Standard Tech"!

  The central belief of the NOTS theory is that a human  body  is
actually a conglomeration of degraded spiritual beings (BTs) that
were fused into one big mass during  some  long  ago  implant  by
Hubbard's  nemesis,  Xenu. Hubbard claims that NOTS "blows" these
masses of BTs and eventually one's body become  invisible  and  a
person is exterior to it and can then go on to "Full OT"!

  NOTS is delivered under very tight security and Church  members
have  to be bonded to the effect that they will NEVER divulge ANY
of the NOTS materials or speak about their sessions. By the  time
one  is  ready  for NOTS, a person has spent tens of thousands of
dollars.  NOTS is heavily promoted as the ultimate  mystery,  the

  "Full  OT"  and "Knowing and Willing Cause over MATTER, ENERGY,
SPACE, and TIME, both objectively and subjectively" is surely  an
attractive  promise!  And its quite easy to buy into Hubbard's BT
theory in exchange for "Full OT". Once a member has gotten on  to
NOTS,  there  is little chance for turning back. A member can not
discuss his "case" with anyone else since he is "bonded".  If  he
has  a  little ache or pain, a headache, a toothache, etc., well,
that just the "BTs" acting up!

  The REAL danger in NOTS is the introversion that it produces in
people.  Hubbard  assigns  the  blame for all of one's illnesses,
shortcomings, and lack of "OT" abilities  to  the  physical  body
that  he asserts is a MASS OF BTs. There have been numerous cases
of psychotic breaks and suicides and cancers  amongst  people  on
NOTS,  after  NOTS,  and  after  OT8.  After  buying into the BTs
theory, one could easily conclude that "suicide" is the  ultimate
process  to "handling" BTs. The Church goes to EXTREME lengths to
keep these incidents under wraps.

  I for one applaude the public airing of this  dangerous  fraud.
And NOTS is the Ultimate Engram.


 Thanks for reposting Joe's post, Feisty.

It made me think of a book by Robert Anton Wilson, the Illuminati
Triology.  If you are asked in a hard-sell way to look for something,
and told it is simple and makes sense, your brain will try to find it
and make order out of it even if it's chaotic -- and even if there isn't any sense.

That's why I think so many people hold on to the Tech for so long.
Whatever worked for them in life they learned to attribute to the
Tech.  It's scary to let go of long-held beliefs.  They were presented
with what they were told was a system to free beings that really just
enslaved them to Hubbard's untreated mental illness.

It's not harmless.  That's why there are laws about practicing
medicine without a license.

-maggie, human being

Tory Christman:

Exactly. What Dennis says, I also experienced for many years.
First in the early '70's when I  joined the Sea Org,
and was then ordered to get off of the much needed
medication I took for Epilepsy. After great harm, and pain, my Mother
finally insisted I get back onto this medication,
and with that, began my fights with Scientology.

After years of auditing and training, I arrived at Flag to do "OT 3" in
1797. This was only after writing David Mayo (the then Senior C/S,
International) who had at first told me, "You need a PTS  handling". I wrote
him back, saying "How dare you call yourself a Senior C/S when all you say
is the same *crap* all these people here in LA say!" I was furious.

He wrote me a 6 page hand written letter, saying He would back me up all the
way if I needed any help once I got to Flag, re my medication. Ok, so I did
OT 3. After, positive, I'd gotten rid of all the BT's, again tried to get
off of my medication, and ended up in Morton Plant Hospital, nearly dead due
to multiple Grand Mal Seizures.
That was the last time I tried to quit taking the medication I needed, and
those were the last seizures I ever had. However, that didn't end the fight
with Scientology.

In 1989 I arrived at Flag, this time with my NOTS paid for...from OT 4-OT 8.
As I routed on through, I got to a 15 year old young Sea Org "MAA" (Master
at Arms, aka: The Ethics person for this). He opened my folder, (I'm sure
saw I took medicine for Epilepsy) and looked at me like I was a
leper.........and said harshly:
"YOU are NOT allowed on the FLAG LAND BASE!"

Shocked, I looked behind me and did my Taxi Driver (movie) routine of, 'You
talkin' to ME?"
"Are YOU talkin' to ME?"

I did this until he went into Doubt, and I  told him to get a higher trained
person, that he was wrong.
Sure enough, she arrived (The D of P: Director of Processing) and said I had
to write up my contributions.
I did, and since I'd just donated about one year to OSA,
helping with legal things, I had great "Stats" in their eyes.
She OK'd my getting auditing, and told me the C/ S wanted me to know, "ALL
of your earlier handlings re medicine have been suppressive".

Now get this..................re what Dennis wrote, that even though they
have all these signs re doctors, listen to how this played out.

Ok, she acknowledges ALL of the earlier handlings have been suppressive, and
I agree.

So I begin getting "Eligibility" with Bill Yaude, my then auditor. We go
over many things. Finally, he arrives one day and says, 'Now we're going to
Sec Check Epilepsy".

I grabbed the PC cans, picked them up, and set them in front of him and
said, "No Bill. This party is OVER.
***YOU** can Sec check Epilepsy with the C/S, I'm done.
This is going to RTC!"

I met with the D of P, who told me I needed to get off of my medication. I
reminded her of when I arrived and how she'd told me ALL of my earlier
handlings were suppressive, yet now she's doing the same thing!

I also told her I wanted to see whatever references she was basing this on.
She showed me 3 references.
One was about Physically Ill PC's. I had a letter from My Doctor, L. Ron
Hubbard's Doctor, saying the medication I take for Epilepsy isn't a mind
altering drug, and I was fine to take it while getting auditing.
Next was something about being Out Ethics. I pointed out
I'd just finished many months of FPRD, cleaning myself up in a co-audit, and
my ethics were in.

The final one said, "On upper OT levels, an OT shouldn't be on Medication".
I looked at her and said, 'IF we're going to play hard ball, let's play hard
ball". OT 8 has now been decided to be THE FIRST OT level---all others named
"Pre-OT levels". So if OT 8 is the first OT level, that's not an "Upper OT
level" is it? Also, I knew of TONS of "OT's" who spoke of physical 'wins' on
OT 7----and Nots, so I knew they dealt with the body.
Lastly, I told her I wanted ALL of my folders to be sent up to RTC, to Ray
Mittoff, who knew me, personally.

All the C/S's at Flag freaked out--as now *their* asses were on the line!

Sure enough, my folders were sent. It took about one month, but finally the
Senior C/ S from RTC then called the Tech Sec at Flag and said, "We're
sending an OK and a policy saying it's Ok to take medication, IF Your Doctor
says you need to. Also, you need to call Tory tonight and tell her you're
very sorry for ALL that you've put her through".

It was THE biggest win I'd ever had in Scientology. I finally
won...............20 years after I began.

All through OT 5 and OT 7 it was implied I should be able to handle Epilepsy
with the auditing, and of course that's what "The tech" says.

I never knew, in all those years, that Hubbard had been taking medications!
That seriously grossed me out when I found that out, after I'd left.

Scientology now has signs all over saying, "If you have a medical condition,
see your Doctor as auditing is not designed the Cure". However, we know, as
long as they use
NOTS--it says what it says.

It *Is* medical abuse, plain and simple.

If you're reading this and you have a medical condition,
DO NOT get into Scientology.
If you enjoy Free Speech, do NOT get into Scientology.
IF you love your family, and any of them don't like
  Scientology, do NOT join.
Actually, just don't join: It sucks once you get trapped in.

If what I've written helps one person, it was worth the time it took to
write it.

Blessings to all who help expose this insidious CULT.


PS: I didn't find out until after I left Scientology why that kid (the MAA)
was so freaked out and told me:
"YOU are NOT allowed on the FLAG land base".

What had happened is months earlier another person had gone to Flag who did
have Epilepsy, and they ordered this person, same as me, to get off of his
medication. He didn't fight, as I did---and ended up D E A D.
That's why they wanted to throw me off the base.
I knew it was something weird, but it took leaving to find
out the specifics.

Just thought you'd like to know that, too.


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