
  Scientology Sucks!blu




Scam of Scientology

Informatie over een heel gevaarlijke en kwaadaardige sekte.

De Church of Scientology, ook wel Scientologykerk genaamd,
is helemaal verzonnen
 door tweederangs sciencefictionschrijver

L. Ron Hubbard.

Pagina 4

Auditing Process R2-45.

Uit het door Hubbard geschreven boek
"The Creation of Human Ability - A Handbook of Scientology"
komt het volgende citaat:
"R2-45 - an enormously effective process for exteriorization,
but its use is frowned upon by this society at this time."
"Exteriorization" is Hubbardiaans voor dood.
Het is een van Hubbard's ontelbare "policy"s.
Het betekent niets anders dan iemand met een Colt 45 een kogel
in het hoofd schieten.
Flauwekul? Overdreven?
Toen Hubbard het zelf voor het zeggen had stond deze "policy"
ook in de "Suppressive Person Declare".
Hier is zo'n "SP Declare", ondertekend door Hubbard zelf:


Hier worden leden van de Sea Org, Hubbards nepmarine,
opgeroepen om de genoemde personen een kogel door het hoofd te jagen.

Er zijn slechts twee incidenten bekend waarbij een aanslag werd gepleegd op een SP.

Jack Horner die in Los Angeles woonde, werd door twee man beschoten
terwijl hij met zijn familie thuis zat.
Gelukkig trof geen enkele kogel doel en bleef iedereen ongedeerd.

Ook Paulette Copper ontkwam op miraculeuze wijze aan een aanslag.
Moe van het lastig vallen door de sekte verhuisde zij stiekum.
Haar nichtje Joy trok in haar appartement.
Een paar dagen later kwam een bezorger bloemen afleveren en Joy opende de deur.
De man bleek een revolver in de bloemen te hebben verstopt,
haalde de revolver tevoorschijn, zette het wapen tegen het hoofd van Joy,
ongetwijfeld in de veronderstelling dat het Paulette Cooper was,
en haalde de trekker over. Het wapen weigerde.
Vervolgens begon de onbekende man het meisje te wurgen, maar tot haar geluk
kon ze loskomen en begon te gillen.
De onbekende maakte zich toen zo snel als hij kon uit de voeten.

Wie hier meer over wil weten moet deze website eens bezoeken:

Kan het erger?
Ja, véél erger. Er zijn diverse gevallen bekend van pedofielen die hun
gruwelijke praktijken botvierden op kinderen van mede sekteleden.
Gabriel Williams (waarover verderop meer), Donald Anthony (Tony) Strawn, Walter (Wally) Hanks en James Stacy Barbour zijn er een paar die zich vergrepen aan
jongens en/of meisjes, van soms maar 11 jaar.
De beruchte Mace Kingsley Ranch was een van de plaatsen waar deze walgelijke praktijken plaatsvonden, evenals veel vroeger al aan boord
van de Apollo, toenmaals vlaggeschip en verblijfplaats van Hubbard.
Het gebeurde dan ook onder zijn neus.
Maar Hubbard had al veel eerder laten weten wie en wat hij belangrijk vond:

"HCOPL 1 September 1965, "Ethics Protection":
In short a staff member can get away with murder so long as his statistic is up and can't sneeze without a chop if it's down. ... When people do start reporting a staff member with a high statistic, what you investigate is the person who turned in the report."

Met andere woorden: hij die veel geld binnen brengt kan zijn gang gaan.
Komen er klachten over zo iemand dan wordt niet hij of zij onderworpen
aan een onderzoek maar degene die hem of haar heeft gemeld.

Waarom werden er niet veel vaker aanklachten ingediend?
Dat kwam omdat men niet durfde. De sekte is zo corrupt dat degene die een aanklacht indient verder als paria wordt behandeld en niets meer mag binnen de sekte.
Uit angst buiten gesloten te worden hielden velen hun mond.

Dat zelfs baby's niet veilig waren moge blijken uit het volgende.
Yolanda Howell schreef, in het Duits aan Dennis Erlich, voormalig lid van de sekte en nu fel criticus, het volgende relaas:
"One little baby I knew in the Sea Org got herpes during a Cadet Org epidemic.
A 14 year old girl disclosed to me how she and a few other little girls
were leaving the Cadet Org in the daytime and performing sexual
services for one of the girl's uncles in exchange for money.
A man who worked in the Cadet Org admitted he was
sexually molesting the children.
Although these incidents were written up,
as far as I know they were never "handled."

Wie nog meer over deze walgelijke praktijken wil weten
moet hier maar eens kijken:


En dit verhaal wil ik u zeker niet onthouden:
I grew up fast, almost like someone was pushing me from behind yelling,
"Be cause, make it go right!" From the moment I joined Scientology with my family, I was heavily indoctrinated in the Scientology mindset. Ethics, morals and policy were bantered around my house daily. I believed whole-heartedly in the tech and audited others and they audited me.

Today I'm going to tell you about the Dianetics session where I had to relive something very painful and how to this day I regret ever telling my auditor what I told her that day.

You see, although my family appeared to be so on-purpose and dedicated,
we had a dirty secret.
My step-father had been molesting me for four years. And that day, in that cold metal chair, behind a partition in the Division Six courseroom, all the rage and fear I had held inside came rushing out.

My auditor asked me to locate an incident. It came up in my mind and I scrambled to think of something, anything else. I hated thinking of it, and it hadn't happened in so long.
But I never knew when it would happen again.
I was terrified, terrified if my mother knew that she would hate me, terrified that my siblings would hate me, terrified of what my step-dad would do if I told.
I started to sweat in the chair, my closed eyes burning, as tears started to slip down my cheeks. My auditor persisted, and I could hear the excitement in her voice. Her thoughts were almost audible, "this is going to be good." I shook my head, "I can't think of anything," I managed to say. She just repeated the command. The acid in my stomach started to churn, as it always did when I thought of the abuse, and I had gotten good at pushing it to the back of my mind and getting through my days without thinking of it at all.

My voice cracked as I whispered my shame, my deepest darkest secret. I was met with silence. Then she asked me to tell her more. And I did, sobbing between each telling of it, until I couldn't cry any more and I was numb. She asked for details, and being 12 years old I did't know what to say. I stammered and stuttered and she relentlessly pushed on. A cold feeling swept me from my head to my feet and I felt detached from it all. I told her that and she said "Good! Thanks for telling me." And ended the session.

I opened my eyes, and she was smiling at me, but there were mascara trails down her face. I could tell she had cried during my retelling. She took my hand, and I resisted the urge to pull it away. Back then, I didn't like it when anyone touched me. "Do you feel better?" she asked. I nodded.

Then I walked unsteadily to the bathroom and threw up. This was the first time I made myself throw up, and it would become a pattern for the next four years of my life.

After calming down, I was pulled into the Ethics Office. The Ethics Officer at the time was a very nice man. He looked highly uncomfortable. He asked me if I was ok, and he said he had seen the write-up on my session and wanted to talk about it. I told him I was tired of talking about it. I still felt the shame, the horror, and now it was all over my mind and I could no longer shut it out.

He asked me point blank if I planned to go to the authorities. I was surprised that he asked that. I said no, that it hadn't happened in a long time, and my mom didn't even know. He looked very shocked at that and said, "Your mom has known for a year now, it came up in your step-dad's ethics cycle."

I felt the ultimate betrayal at that point. My mother had known, the ethics officers had known, and no one had done a damn thing about it.

I got angry at this point and asked him why no one had helped me if they knew. He said simply, "Everything that happens to you is what you pull in. You have to take responsibility for your lower condition in this."

I started crying, I told him that I had not asked to be molested. I told him that it scared me and I didn't know what I had done to cause it. I was truly upset at the thought of that, and at that moment an incredible sense of self-hatred came over me. He said simply that my step-dad had done his ethics handling and sec check and that I needed to come out of lower conditions on the 2-D. He told me emphatically that the only way I was ever going to get over this was to take responsibility.

I felt so ashamed, so sick, so upset. I did my lower conditions, but that feeling of revulsion stayed with me always. I never got over it. Even through all of my days in Scientology, including the Sea Org days, I battled an eating disorder and constant anxiety.

In the last six months I have come to be aware of what the truth really is. I have to thank my husband for that, and for sticking by me through all the drama. I have let go of a lot of my anger and self-loathing that I felt for years. I realize that I did not "pull in" the abuse, but rather a mentally ill man abused me and I was a victim. In Scientology, being a victim is considered a bad thing and I never wanted to be one. Well I WAS a VICTIM, and now I am a SURVIVOR. I survived sexual abuse, I survived the subsequent brainwashing, I survived a nervous eating disorder, and I survived Scientology.

I guess that's one reason I call myself Serenity Now.

So for all those who think that Scientology might not be that bad, or "it's the greatest good", I would like for you to remember me, remember the Sea Org kids in California molested by Wolly Hanks, remember Tommy Gorman's wife who was raped by a senior church official, and then ask yourself if the wonderful ethical church does the "greatest good" when it protects rapists and molesters and leaves their victims in shame.

Maar ook op andere manieren gaat men bij de sekte op een
onvoorstelbare manier om met kinderen.
Lees maar eens op deze website:


Ben je eindelijk tot de elite van de sekte doorgedrongen,
wordt je afgebeuld en onderbetaald, mag je niet trouwen
en als zwangere vrouw tot abortus gedwongen,
dan moet je bovendien ernstig op je tellen passen,
anders zit je voor je het weet in de RPF,
de strafkolonie van de sekte.
Ook in Europa te vinden in o.a. Denemarken (Kopenhagen) en Engeland (East Grinstead).
Informatie over deze dwangarbeidskampen vind je hier:


Een Duitse reportage over een verdwenen meisje dat
in een strafkamp van de sekte terecht kwam:

Missing in Happy Valley - Investigation into Scientology's RPF camps
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© Peter Schilte 2002-2007 

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