
  Scientology Sucks!blu




Scam of Scientology

Informatie over een heel gevaarlijke en kwaadaardige sekte.

De Church of Scientology, ook wel Scientologykerk genaamd,
is helemaal verzonnen
 door tweederangs sciencefictionschrijver

L. Ron Hubbard.

Pagina 5

Maandagavond 14 mei 2007 zond de BBC op BBC1 een reportage uit,
gewijd aan de sekte van Scientology.
Het programma waarin de uitzending plaats vindt was "Panorama".
Als je het gemist hebt, dan kun je
hier de video alsnog bekijken:

Deel 1.

Deel 2.

Deel 3.

Brett Hanover, een 18-jarige jonge man,
maakte voor heel weinig geld een film,
een docudrama, over Scientology.
Het is geen Oscarwinner,
maar geeft een aardige indruk van wat de sekte doet.
Het lijkt er op dat de sekte inmiddels de maker
onder grote druk heeft gezet om de film
terug te trekken.
Maar de film is inmiddels op vele plaatsen van het internet te zien of te downloaden.
De sekte zet zichzelf maar weer eens voor gek.

Inmiddels is de film ook verwijderd van Google en Youtube,
maar wij hebben hem!

The Bridge by Brett Hanover

Wie de film wil zien moet naar de volgende link:

The Bridge Movie

Tom Cruise is door Paramount, zijn filmproducent, ontslagen.
Hij verdiende 15 miljoen dollar per jaar.
Door zijn idiote gedrag tijdens de promotie
van Mission Impossible III heeft hij zoveel schade aan de maatschappij
veroorzaakt dat zij nog maar 1,5 miljoen per jaar wilden betalen!
Dat vond Tommy te weinig en bleef ontslag de enige  mogelijkheid.

Het betekent ook dat hij hiermee bewezen heeft dat de "tech" van Scientology dus niet werkt. Vanzelfsprekend natuurlijk!
 Mooier is dat hij hiermee Scientology zeer slechte reclame heeft bezorgd!
En heel wat mensen hebben ondervonden dat de sekte dat helemaal niet
leuk vindt. Met zware straffen als gevolg. Zal de sekte ook zo reageren
op het ontslag en de negatieve publiciteit rondom het ontslag?
De tijd zal het leren!

Bye bye Tommy!

Inmiddels zit Tommy in de volgende crisis:
Hij mag geen gebruikmaken van Duitse Defensie-eigendommen
voor zijn film over de Duitse anti-naziheld Graf von Stauffenberg.
Cruise speelt zelf de hoofdrol, en dat is in Duitsland bijzonder slecht gevallen.
Volkomen begrijpelijk, aangezien Cruise een anti-democratische, dictatoriale
en totalitaire organisatie prominent vertegenwoordigt.
Inderdaad: een organisatie die vele gelijkenissen vertoont met de Nazi's

De verhalen over Hubbard die mensen op liet sluiten in de ankerkettingruimte,
een donker, vochtig en smerig compartiment helemaal in het voorschip
waar de ankerketting ligt opgeslagen, zijn bekend.
Minder bekend is dat deze "Great Humanitarian" dat ook liet doen met kinderen.
Zelfs een jongetje van 4½ jaar oud ontkwam niet aan de
volkomen dwaze maatregel:
Derek Greene werd in deze mini-hel gestopt
omdat het kind op papieren tape had gekauwd
die uit een oud soort telexmachine was gekomen.
Ook een meisje werd door dit zelfbenoemde voorbeeld voor velen
meerdere malen in de ruimte opgesloten, zo vertelde zei. Haar naam: Karen Rossouw.
Dit alles gebeurde aan boord van Hubbard's schip de "Apollo".
Maar er blijken veel meer gevallen bekend. Getuigen spreken van een doofstom kind dat haar eigen naam niet kon opschrijven en daarom werd opgesloten.
Meerdere getuigen spreken over kinderen van 5, 6 en 7 jaar.
Een andere getuige over een jongen van 14.
Opsluiten is een recht van een democratisch gekozen overheid,
niet van een megalomane man met sadistische trekken.
Dat heet in gewone taal: "onrechtmatige vrijheidsberoving", en is strafbaar.
In het geval van minderjarigen en kinderen is er zelfs
sprake van ernstige kindermishandeling!
Voor wie hier meer over wil lezen:


Freewinds en blauwe asbest.

Al jarenlang gaat het verhaal rond dat het schip "Freewinds"
gevaarlijk is door de aanwezigheid van asbest.
Het schip is eigendom van de sekte en wordt gebruikt voor de allerduurste cursussen.
In het hele schip is asbest gebruikt als isolatie.
Bij de verbouwing stoof het gevaarlijke spul overal rond.
Hier volgt de reden van die verhalen:


1. I am over the age of 18 years.

2. The statements herein are of my own personal knowledge and if called
upon as a witness, I can testify competently thereto.

3. My name is Lawrence Woodcraft. I am a citizen of the United Kingdom and
a legal permanent resident of the United States of America. I am a former
member of the Sea Organization of the church of scientology.

4. I joined the Sea Organization at the Flag Land Base in Clearwater,
Florida in September 1986. Prior to this I was an architect in London,
England from 1975 onwards.

5. In February 1987 the Sea Organization asked me to work on a project for
them. They had purchased a Cruise ship formerly called La Boheme and owned
by Commodore Cruise Lines. They renamed this ship Freewinds and Majestic
Cruise Lines operated it for the Church of Scientology.

6. I was asked to go to this cruise ship and prepare detailed plans for
remodeling the interior cabins and other spaces of the ship. The church's
interior designers had prepared sketches of how they wanted the new
designs to be. Now they needed detailed plans for actual construction. The
plans were ambitious: They wanted to convert a restaurant space into
course rooms for the delivery of OT8 and to convert a lounge area into a
restaurant. All of the cabins were to be upgraded and in some cases two or
more cabins brought together to make suites. Some cabins were converted
into offices for the IAS (International Association of Scientologists). In
short, every space of the ship was to be converted or remodeled in some

7. I flew to the ship, which was moored in great secrecy at the island of
Curacao in the Caribbean. It was explained to me that the ship was in a
secret location and would never be brought into United States territory
because it could be seized by the authorities against taxes the Church
owed the IRS. At this time there were probably about 100 Sea Org members
aboard working on upgrading the crew living accommodations, carrying out
repairs to the ship, training in seamanship, etc. I was in the company of
Steve Kasaki who was called the Renos I.C. (in charge), although he didn't
have any qualifications or any special knowledge of ships. I was to be the
ship's architect.

8. One day Steve and I went into one of the cabins, which were in decrepit
condition, and he took a hammer and removed a section of paint from the
outer steel wall, as he was curious about the construction. Under the
layer of paint I noticed a powdery blue fibrous substance approximately 1
½" thick between the paint and the steel wall. I told him I thought it was
asbestos, which is a hazardous substance, and the fibers must not be
allowed to go airborne. Steve said that he didn't think it was asbestos
and it wasn't dangerous.

9. In architecture school in the UK (University of Nottingham), I had
attended lectures on the hazards of asbestos. We had been trained that
prior to 1970 or thereabouts, asbestos was commonly used in buildings as
insulation and fire protection. It was then declared a carcinogenic
substance, to the degree that a single microscopic particle was like a
little hook that would be breathed in, and hook itself into the lining of
the lungs. There, a single microscopic particle could remain lodged for
even 20 years, and then in the right conditions, cause lung cancer. We
were taught that there was no safe exposure level; any exposure was
potentially lethal. We were taught that asbestos could be present in
ceiling tiles, floor covering, roof tiles, heating and pipe insulation. We
were taught how to recognize it and that if discovered in an old building,
a specialized abatement company would have to be brought in. Such a
company wears full-body protective respirators, fully seal off the
building with plastic sheets, remove the asbestos in special containers
and take it to hazardous materials dumps. In short it was to be treated as
seriously as if it was radioactive. To knowingly release asbestos into the
atmosphere is a criminal offense in the UK as it is in the USA. I remember
being taught that there are two types of asbestos, white asbestos, which
might be added to ceiling tiles as a kind of "binder" or used to wrap
pipes; and "blue" asbestos, the most dangerous kind. This is pure 100%
asbestos commonly colored a bright blue color. Microscopically, if white
asbestos is a single hook, blue asbestos is a ball of hooks so the chance
of it attaching itself to the lining of the lung is much greater. I
remember that they discovered blue asbestos in railway carriages in
England and it was a big "flap." The carriages were taken out of service
and specially disposed of.

10. Back to the Freewinds. I went into the engine room, saw a section
where ceiling panels had been removed, and saw a big chunk of blue
asbestos hanging down. I went to the Chief Engineer and said there is
exposed asbestos in the engine room. He said that it was not asbestos.
Here, I did some research. The Freewinds was built in Finland in 1968. On
board were the original plans from the shipyard. I went through the plans.
Even though the notations were in Finish, I saw the word asbestos over and
over. The ship was divided vertically into fire compartments with steel
walls that ran the full height of the ship. They were lined both sides
with 2-3 inches of blue asbestos. The underside of every deck was lined in
asbestos. The outside walls of the ship had been sprayed with asbestos.
All the ceiling panels contained asbestos. In short, asbestos was
everywhere as was typical of a ship built in the sixties. I read that the
SS United States, which I remember operating between South Hampton,
England and New York in the sixties, contained so much asbestos that it
was impossible to scrap it even though it contained thousands of tons of
valuable steel. The process of scrapping it would have released asbestos
into the air, which was a criminal offense with jail time and massive
fines and the prospect of civil litigation. It occurred to me that you do
not see old cruise ships in service, you only see new cruise ships in
service, built after the seventies when the true dangers of asbestos were
realized by medical research.

11. No one on the ship knew anything about asbestos, nor did they care. I
thought to myself, the Church has been tricked into buying a cruise ship
for $11 million that is a total liability, that is so full of lethal
asbestos, the only option is to sink it in deep water. If asbestos remains
permanently wet it is not dangerous, it is dangerous when dried out and
flaking, releasing fibers in the air that are then breathed in. To me this
seemed a daunting, enormous problem. How could the church possibly bring
their public parishioners to this ship and expose them to such a hazardous
substance. I thought that the legal liability alone would terrify them (As
a new Sea Org. member I didn't know at this time the scientologists cannot
sue the Church). Around this time Bitty Miscaviage visited the ship. She
was the Church executive with overall responsibility for the ship project.
I went to her and took copies of the ships blueprints and showed her the
full extent of asbestos on the ship. At first she was calm, but as I
further explained the dangers, she begun to realize that it was a problem.
We had a meeting to discuss the problem of asbestos. Steve Kisacky stated
that L. Ron Hubbard doesn't state in policy that asbestos is dangerous; he
only states that fiberglass is dangerous and therefore we are only
removing the fiberglass. In fact, the dock next to the Freewinds was piled
high with fiberglass that had been removed by Sea Org members. It was
explained to me that the ship was being remodeled only according to the
written policies and "advices" of L. Ron Hubbard. Since Hubbard had been
in the US Navy and had then founded the Sea Org and had run a fleet of
ships, he knew everything about ships. If asbestos was dangerous, he would
have written this somewhere. Also Hubbard knew everything about cancer. He
had written that cancer was caused by the mind and specifically second
dynamic aberration (problems with relationships). I was told that people
only get sick if they go into "agreement" with being sick. As the ship was
going to be filled with "operating thetans" doing the highest level in
Scientology (OT 8) nothing was going to make them sick. I was being a
"wog" (non-scientologist) worrying about a little thing like asbestos.

12. I forgot about the asbestos, even though this went against my
education, and the renovation work got fully underway. Ceiling panels were
removed; the asbestos was scraped away to make room for new electrical
wiring and new air-conditioning ducts. The ship was so old that salt water
from the ocean was used to flush the toilets. The salt water had corroded
the pipes and so leaks were everywhere. All the pipes were replaced and as
the old pipes were torn out, the steel walls coated with asbestos were
drilled into and cut through by Sea Org members. Holes were cut through
the steel decks, sections of the vertical fire compartmental walls were
removed to make way for relocating restaurants etc. etc. Asbestos was
everywhere blowing around the ship like an insidious blue dust of death.
It was piled up in the corridors, big chunks of it lie on the floor. I was
freaked out and would wear a mask, but I know that a disposable facemask
did nothing, because people who handle asbestos wear full body suits and
actual respirators.

13. It reached a point that the renovation work was falling behind, and
was beyond the scope of Sea Org members on the ship. The ship contracted
with a ship refit company out of Southampton England, who commonly worked
on cruise ships in Miami. The company sent about 40 carpenters and other
workers to the ship from Miami. I had prepared the plans and materials
were airfreighted from Miami or even obtained locally on the Island.

14. When the re-fit company arrived (they were non-Scientologists), they
saw the asbestos everywhere and had a fit. They threatened to immediately
pull their men off the project. There was in Scientology what is called a
PR (public relations) flap. The re-fit company boss said it was dangerous
and he couldn't expose his men to it. So that the re-fit company could
fulfill their contract, a handling was worked out. An asbestos team was
formed using Sea Org members (3 or 4). Wherever there was exposed asbestos
they would rush to the location and spray it with water and or paint. The
idea was that the asbestos shouldn't be dry and flaking and therefore
releasing airborne contamination. This was an extremely poor handling and
the ship refit contractors were very unhappy; they would even sleep in
their cabins wearing masks. After a few weeks, they left the ship. I think
in addition to the asbestos problem, the Church had run out of money to
pay them. They left the ship in Oct. 1987 and went back to the UK with a
very low opinion of Scientology.

15. Now, the church decided to employee Scientologists who were
carpenters, metal workers and from allied professions. They had full room
and board on the ship and were paid $800 per week for working on the
remodeling. Approximately 80 or 90 such Scientologists were brought to the
ship and so employed. As they were Scientologists, the were easy to
control and the asbestos problem was no longer an issue. They completed
the remodeling by June 1988 for the Maiden Voyage. By the time the ship
was finished, all the paneling was put back in place and the walls were
painted and wallpapered, the floors were carpeted and new furniture was
installed. It looked great, but behind the paneling, the asbestos was left
hanging and flaking and falling apart. The ceiling panels were set in a
metal grid system, which is a long way from being airtight. Every time a
panel is removed for routine maintenance, asbestos dust is released into
the rooms, cabins and corridors of the ship. This is continuing to this
day. A ship at sea is subjected to intense vibration and so the already
loosened asbestos becomes progressively looser and releases more airborne

16. I have now passed my architectural examinations and am a licensed
architect in the State of California. The State takes asbestos very
seriously and it is a criminal offense to release any amount of asbestos
into the atmosphere. If any asbestos is suspected in an old building an
abatement company has to be called and this is very expensive. I worked on
a restaurant project remodel, as the architect and project manager, where
ceiling tiles were removed in a shopping mall where a restaurant was
located. The original steel frame had been coated with asbestos for fire
protection. With the ceiling tiles removed asbestos dust filled the
restaurant: earthquakes had loosened the asbestos over the years. The EPA
was called in and had special monitoring equipment to measure the level of
asbestos in the air. They took air samples and sent it to a special
laboratory for analysis. Then, a cleaning crew arrived from a licensed
asbestos abatement company, wearing "space suits." They sealed off the
entire area with plastic sheets and entered through air locks. Twenty men
worked through the night and cleaned the entire restaurant, every last
spoon, every plate, and every surface. Their bill was in excess of $20,000
for one night. I would say that the magnitude of the problem on the
Freewinds means that it cannot be solved without spending millions.

signed by Lawrence Woodcraft
Clearwater, Florida
January 24, 2001

Ik heb naar aanleiding hiervan de Antiliaanse authoriteiten ingelicht
(de Freewinds heeft Bonaire als thuishaven) en deze verklaring daaraan toegevoegd.
Nu, maanden later, op 21 augustus 2007, heb ik antwoord gekregen.
Het schip is gecontroleerd door twee bedrijven en is veilig verklaard.
Hier is de brief die ik ontving:

Onlangs is de Freewinds voor onderhoud het dok in gegaan.
Bij werkzaamheden is blauw asbest vrijgelomen!
Levensgevaarlijk voor de arbeiders, dus de werkzaamheden
werden onmiddellijk stopgezet en het schip verzegeld.

 WILLEMSTAD: During refurbishing and reparatory work, which involved
removing the ceiling and panelling on cruise ship Freewinds, blue
asbestos was released and ended up in the ventilation system.

Freewinds' captain did not report this when it's own personnel were
working on the ship on the Mathey warf in Otrobanda. The Curacao
Drydock Company (CDM), where the ship was taken for reparatory work on
the hull, heard from the surveyor that there may be asbestos on the
ship. The captain acknowledged the incident and said that after the
incident Freewinds had some investigation done. Keeping the incident
quiet became more noticeable when it turned out that the 40-year-old
ship contatined blue asbestos.
The question is whether or not the blue asbestos dust, which can cause
cancer, can be removed from the ship. The CDM has stopped all work on
the ship. The ship was sealed and isolated and experts will
investigate and measure the presence of asbestos dust in the hull and
surrounding areas. Commissioners Eugene Rhuggenaath (Economic Affairs)
and Humphrey Davelaar (Public Health) said on Friday.

CDM interim director Frank Esser, deputy head of the Department of
Labour Affairs Christiene van der Biezen were accompanied by two
inspectors and head of the health Department Tico Ras. Samples taken
from the panelling last week by inspectors that were sent to the
Netherlands showed that they contained significant amounts of blue
asbestos. After an extraordinary meeting, the Executive Council
decided to inform the public in general about the incident to avoid
remours and panic.

The CDM personnel were also informed via the media because it was
impossible to gather all the workers Friday evening to personally give
them the information.

Interview van Stacy Brooks met Lawrence Woodcraft
over de Freewinds.

Speciaal Part 4 is interessant vanwege de asbest kwestie.

The Freewinds, Part 1

The Freewinds, Part 2

The Freewinds, Part 3

The Freewinds, Part 4

Er lijkt maar geen einde te komen aan de Asbestgate
van de sekte.

Nog altijd wordt er gewerkt aan de Freewinds maar het einde is nog niet in zicht.
Desondanks blijft de sekte onafgebroken uitnodigingen
rondsturen voor een trip op de Freewinds.
Het laatse nieuws komt van een Antilliaanse krant:


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Deze informatie is samengebracht om u een beeld te schetsen
van de sekte die zich "Church of Scientology" noemt.

© Peter Schilte 2002-2007